Legal Notes
This page contains important information relating to the website (hereinafter the SITE), to the ownership of copyright. Please read the following information carefully.
This page contains important information relating to the website (hereinafter the SITE), to the ownership of copyright. Please read the following information carefully.
Information from the Articles of Association / Constitutive Act
Evoluzione Telematica srl
VAT number 03534710177
REA number BS-415319
Tax code 03534710177
Registration number in the Business Register of Brescia n. 03534710177
Share capital € 10,200.00 fully paid up
Copyright © Evoluzione Telematica srl
All rights on this work are reserved in accordance with current legislation.
The translation, adaptation, processing, reproduction by any means, in whole or in part, of all the material contained on this site is reserved for all countries.
The reproduction, publication and distribution, in whole or in part, of all the material contained in this site, including framing, similar means of reproduction and, in general, digital storage are expressly prohibited without the written authorization of Evoluzione Telematica srl, without prejudice to the rights due.
The content of this site (including, but not limited to, the text, logos, icons, images) as well as the way in which the contents are presented and formats (graphic layout) are the exclusive property of Evoluzione Telematica srl and are protected by Italian and international laws safeguarding the copyright.
If, unintentionally, material subject to copyright or in violation of the laws in force has been published, users are asked to notify Evoluzione Telematica srl, which undertakes to immediately remove from its electronic archives the material created in violation of the copyright laws, as soon as he becomes aware of the violation itself.
Other names mentioned, of products, services or companies, may be registered trademarks of their respective owners.
They are protected by Italian and international copyright laws.
The information contained in the SITE may contain technical inaccuracies, omissions or typographical errors. The available documentation, including documents that can be reached directly or indirectly with links, the constituent elements and related graphics are provided as they are, without warranty for defects and/or fault that may prevent and/or limit their use.
Evoluzione Telematica srl also reserves the right to make changes, without notice and at any time, to these notes and methods of use, to the services, products and/or programs described on this site.
Furthermore, it does not guarantee that the documents are free of errors, viruses, and/or other injurious content: the user remains responsible for all costs for any repairs and/or corrections.
The user agrees to release Evoluzione Telematica srl from any possible claim, damage, direct or indirect liability for the use of this site.